So, we decided to make a computer game.

So just a few hours ago I managed to convince a friend to make a computer game with me. He was sceptical at first, correctly pointing out that we both lack any of the skills required to make a functional computer game, which I will admit is a valid point. It came down to us settling on a simple idea that we figured would be relatively easy to implement, i.e. nothing as grandiose as Grand Theft Auto. After that, we made our first official decision as game developers and decided to not waste large amounts of time ultimately failing at creating our own engine, and instead use the Unity Engine. I have had a little bit of experience using Unity, in that I have completed own of their project tutorials, the one with the spaceship. So of course with my extensive experience with the engine and C# as a whole I consider myself a master ready to tackle my first real game. He on the other hand has no real programming experience, though he has done some 3D modelling before, which would be useful if the game we had planned, was not in fact 2D.

So I figured most game companies have some kind of website we should to, but then most game companies have some kind of game to show on said website. So instead we could have a blog discussing development of our game from the insight of two people who actually have very little knowledge of computer game development as a whole. So that’s this blog, if you hadn’t already guessed. Hopefully in time it will grow and people will find the things we have learnt useful, maybe even people will help teach us things, who knows.